I want to remind everyone to pay their taxes, there are a lot of people that are crossing our border from all over the world to get our premium Medical Care that comes out to be free if you are unable to care for yourself or you don't have a job or you are unable to work because of your injury. This little picture was sent to me Via Electronic Mail message, and I thought that we had better get our taxes paid so the last 1/4 of the Emergency Rooms don't close. That is my main concern. Since Proposition 187 was passed and later found to be unconstitutional. Since then almost 3/4 of the Emergency Trauma Rooms have Closed due to Lack of payment of Bills. This has been reported as a large amount of illegal immigrants that have been hurt and had to use the facility, however they were not able to pay for their care. They have never been able to pay for their care, so consequently there has been almost 3/4 of the trauma Emergency Rooms have closed in the Southern California. ... SO YES PAY YOUR TAXES, SO WE CAN CONTINUE TO PAY FOR THOSE THAT DON'T HAVE MEDICAL INSURANCE. Having said that, if you don't have insurance and you need surgery and you would die if you didn't get the surgery. The Hospital does the surgery and cannot collect payment for the surgery, with the exception of (TAX DOLLARS) from the Government. So, do they have insurance or do they not have insurance?
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