This Teacher seems like he knows the problems and he is in full support of the policies that are currently in place that are doing a great job, even though they are funded with money that the city really doesn't have right now. The city doesn't have the money to have open hiring for the Police Department and a Special Program called Operation Phoenix, but the Mayor, has gotten fed up with nothing happening in his city to get rid of the crime and he wanted to do something anything to clean it up. Operation Phoenix is working, I felt that if it had the proper backing from their city council it would work. Then I knew he was serious when he put Kurt Wilson in charge of the program.
It has lowered Crime and there has not been a Homicide in over one month!! That is great big news for San Bernardino!
I feel that it is to early to back any candidates right now, but the stuff that is written about Mr. Brinker is some good stuff. I have to wait and see what he is saying in his campaign to but full backing in any candidate, besides San Bernardino really is not my area if interest other then the crime, bleeding over into my area of interest. Praise the Good Lord that San Bernardino had the guts to Elect Morris, he is doing a great job.
Teacher enters race for council seat