Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Schwarzenegger Still Popular With Voters (LA Times Jan. 16, 2008) However I am not counted on this POLL!!!

BS Ranch Perspective

According to these Polls The California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is still popular with the people in California that elected him into Office. However I was not Polled as to how popular he might be with me. I disagree with several things that he has started to do, yet denies that he has been the one that has implemented the new charge the one that I am talking about is last year there was an increase of $11.00 to our Auto Registration, and this year another $11.00 was added to the Registration costs along with the Taxes of getting the vehicle Tested Every other year for Smog, Which is a Tax no matter how you look at it. The additional $22.00 that was added in the last two years to the Auto Registration was to assist in the California Budget and to pay for the California Highway Patrol, and California Correctional Officers. Yet, He is Releasing 22,000 Prisoners from Prison early on their sentences, therefore the California Correctional Officers that are getting all the $22.00 dollars are making it much easier had they not released all the prisoners.

The Prisoners that are being released are categorized as not being  a danger to themselves or others. In other words they were not  arrested and or convicted of any violent Crimes. I contend that most will be returning  because of a  more violent exchange that they will be involved in when they return to society! Schwarzenegger is adding fire to the surrounding poor and middle class neighborhoods and he doesn't realize it.  All he sees is that he is saving money, he does not see that he is really endangering the voter's that he is relying on to get him back into Office when he wants to run next time. The decision to release these prisoners again is a huge mistake  Just watch the city that has the largest population of prisoners released with which have been advertising REDUCED CRIME FOR THE YEAR 2007, and now Schwarzenegger is going to release these prisoners and the crime rate for just that short of time that it takes to get them on their second or third strike, will make the crime rate GO SKYWARD!!

The Crime Statistics that they have enjoyed that has been down will be up again, just like before Thanks to the one and only Governor that is just so popular!!

His Hidden raising of taxes will also soon bite him on the ass and make him very unpopular as well, just as soon as a Radio Talk Show picks up on the fact that the Governor is doing these things Arnold will not be a block buster in Politics or at the Theaters any more, when you start to take the way that Gov. Schwarzenegger is doing, you are not just taking from the so called upper 10%! You are taking from EVERYONE That Owns a Automobile/Pickup Truck Think about it if 2 Million who half of which own two cars in his Fleet, this total increase to the State of California would be a Grand total of $66 Million Dollars.

That fee is to everyone no matter what your income stature is, same with the new TAX that the Governor's Staff is calling a "Levey" to the people that own Property. The Levey of $170.00 a year would be added to every residential home owner and they are expected to pay this, the Governor is saying that the increase to the Taxpayer is only $14.17 a month. Why that is just about one trip for three to a Jack in the Box for dinner! That is not much.  

I am sick that he is pulling this, My situation is that I was Medically Retired not by my choice, but by the Choice of the draw that was placed upon me by the all mighty God, for me to walk in total pain 24/7. Now being that I am considered to be 100% disabled and living on a Fixed income, I don't get a very big COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) to my wage which is not that great, all being that it works out to be about $22.00 or less a month.  The property taxes that I pay is terrible. Every year I struggle to make the payment, even though I save and save all year to make the payment on the first notification that the payment is due!! Now Schwarzenegger wants to increase it another $170.00 and then the added $22.00 to the vehicles in the last two years. The step up last year was $88.00, Now another $88.00 this year. I guess it might be time to sell my Motorcycles. I don't want to do that but I just might have to do that, to save more money to make my property tax increase that Schwarzenegger has done to me.

So am I happy about the job that Arnold has done? Not so much, Especially if the TAXES that he is asking for all gets passed!! THAT WILL REALLY SUCK!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger is Taxing Everyone across the board, no MATTER WHAT THE INCOME!! HE HAS YOU, IF YOU OWN A CAR, and a PEACE OF PROPERTY, no matter the income you will be charged.

Just yesterday the headlines that were being read on Channel Four News was that there is a Record number of people that are refusing to pay their property tax!! I'll have you say that they will be living in an Apartment Soon when the State takes their property from them. After all You never really own your land, The State, and Federal Government does.

BS Ranch

Schwarzenegger still popular with voters

Still popular
Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger shakes hands with students from Marvin Avenue Middle School in September after the campus was given an award for School of the Year by the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Spotlight in Los Angeles.
A poll finds Californians gloomy about the state's course but unwilling -- at least for now -- to blame the governor, who is still seen as an outsider. His proposed budget cuts could hurt him, though.
By Evan Halper, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
January 16, 2008
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger continues to enjoy high approval ratings among voters even as most think the state is heading in the wrong direction, a new poll shows.

The grim financial picture the governor presented last week, including proposed steep cuts to schools, healthcare programs and other state services, has not hurt his standing with Californians. He enjoys the approval of 60% of registered voters, according to a Times/CNN/Politico poll conducted by Opinion Research Corp. immediately after he unveiled the proposals as part of his blueprint for closing a $14.5-billion budget deficit. Interviews were conducted Friday through Sunday.

"He still rides the wave of the outsider trying to shake up the entrenched forces of government," said Barbara O'Connor, a professor of communications at Cal State Sacramento. "Voters really don't like the Legislature and tend to blame it for the state's problems, given the opportunity. They assume the governor is doing his best in an intractable situation."

Schwarzenegger's personal appeal seems to have insulated him from voter pessimism about the direction the state is heading. The poll shows that 58% of respondents think the state is on the wrong track. The negative outlook cuts across party lines.

Poll respondent Susan Erickson of Valencia, a Democrat who recently retired from her job as a supply chain manager after 35 years in the aerospace industry, said she was troubled by the governor's plan for balancing the budget but did not blame the state's fiscal problems entirely on him.

"He seems to have been more of a moderate than I expected," she said. "He is intelligent, and he has this image that I suppose is good for our state."

The generally gloomy outlook that voters have for the state, experts say, is more likely related to problems they blame on federal government mismanagement: the sub-prime loan crisis, stock market declines, a possible recession, the Iraq war.

But the governor's ability to maintain high marks from voters throughout a protracted fiscal crisis is far from certain. On Thursday, he unveiled his proposal for balancing the state's books. It includes releasing as many as 50,000 prisoners early, closing 48 state parks and cutting school spending by hundreds of dollars per child.

Schwarzenegger's vow to erase the deficit without new taxes may not sit well with voters, the poll suggests. Slightly more than half of registered voters would rather see the state collect new revenue than cut too deeply into government services.

"It surprises me it is that hard for a state this large to raise $14 billion," said respondent Bill Baker, an Irvine attorney and Democrat who recently moved to the state from Texas. "It is a rounding error on the Iraq war. . . . There are a lot of places the state could go to get that money. You could tax lottery sales. Tax liquor sales. Junk food. All the things people don't like."

"State services already seem to be pared down to the bare minimum," Baker said. "I get on the 5 Freeway and it looks like a Third World country. Signs are patched over. The landscaping is a wreck."

But the governor's anti-tax approach remains popular with Republican voters, 57% of whom want to see the budget balanced with cuts alone.

"The government spends way too much money," said Sue Miller, 81, of the Central Coast town of Nipomo. "I think teachers make too much money. I think the whole system is so overblown, and all they want is more."

The last time Schwarzenegger championed proposals that threatened permanent cuts in money for schools and other services, his approval rating took a beating. That was in 2005.

Mark Baldassare, president of the Public Policy Institute of California, notes that voters remained pleased with Schwarzenegger in the weeks after he unveiled those plans -- much as they do today, following the release of his tough budget blueprint. In 2005 it was months later, after the details sank in and opponents had organized their campaign against the governor, that Schwarzenegger's approval rating sank to 37%.

"We're following the same pattern that we did in January of 2005," Baldassare said. "When he rolled out his plans, they were surprising to a lot of people and not what they wanted, but they didn't initially take it out on him. As he started getting attacked by teachers and interest groups, his numbers fell."

Although the governor may face difficulty selling most voters on his budget cuts, his plan aimed at bringing health insurance to nearly all Californians is a hit, supported by 57% of registered voters.

"People without insurance are getting sick and showing up in the emergency rooms," said Tim Nicholson, a 43-year-old San Jose Republican who was laid off from his job at a semiconductor company Tuesday. "The cost winds up being much higher. Somebody is paying for it, whether it is the users of the medical system or taxpayers, through Medi-Cal and Medicare."

In the survey, 1,205 California adults were interviewed under the supervision of Times Poll Director Susan Pinkus; 1,054 of those were registered voters. The margin of sampling error for both groups is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

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