Jesus Edited Out of Reality Show to Avoid Offending Muslims
P. D. James said: “I believe that political correctness can be a form of linguistic fascism, and it sends shivers down the spine of my generation who went to war against fascism.”
What is political correctness? Political correctness is the removal or whitewashing of words and actions from society that may offend certain individuals’ religious, ethnic, or racial sensibilities. In other words, it’s the forced politeness brought upon us by a society dominated by fear of legal or physical retaliation.
I detest political correctness, not only because it’s an insidious social control mechanism, but because it is not culturally enforced in any fair way. Don’t misunderstand me, when I say that political correctness isn’t enforced in any fair way, I don’t mean that it is enforced inconsistently. The inequality of PCness lies in its enforcement, in that it specifically and routinely protects one religion over another, one political stance over another, and one social belief over another. Political correctness belongs to the Left, and as such, only exists to protect Liberal ideology.
According to Breitbart:
“Speaking with Sports Spectrum magazine, Duck Dynasty stars Willie and Phil Robertson stated that editors on Duck Dynasty had edited out Jesus’ name in prayers to spare Muslim sensitivities. Phil stated: When we prayed, we said, ‘in Jesus’ name, amen.’ I don’t have a verse that says you must always use pray in the name of Jesus, but it’s a very good idea, I think. So they would have me say, ‘Thank you, Oh Lord, for the food, thank you for the leavens, amen.’ So I said, ‘Why would you cut out “in Jesus’ name”? And they said, ‘Well, those editors are probably doing that, they think, you know, it might offend some of the Muslims, you know.’”
Allow me to reverse the situation for the purposes of our education. If an extremely popular television show that was based around Muslim business owners was to feature regular prayers, would the editors ask the same thing of the Muslims as they did of the Dynasty crew? Would the editors cut out the name of Allah in order to make Christian viewers feel more comfortable, and less alienated? I can answer that without question: NO. If the situation were reversed, the media would endlessly praise how culturally significant it was to have a Muslim business in television. They would have no care for Christian viewers, because it would be absolutely stupid and asinine to care about something so trivial.
It is protected for one reason: to safeguard the illusion of Liberal compassion. Liberals fain compassion to get anything they want from the constituents about whom they pretend to care. It’s all a power grab. Christians represent many things that the elite Left despises: family values, not murdering children, not rewarding law-breakers, etc, so they have no need to protect those for whom they have no use. You can see it everywhere: the Left only offers PC protection to those who benefit the Left. Everyone else is useless to their agenda, and therefore left unprotected.So why—the situation being as it is—are the editors so concerned with offending Muslims? Because Islam is a protected entity, just as abortion clinics, gay marriage, illegal aliens, and every other Liberal item on the checklist is protected. It is not only protected from offense, but from scrutiny and criticism as well. It is an entity that lives inside a steel media bubble.
Take notice of who the Left shields from inquiry and criticism. It will show you just who they need to push their agenda forward.
BS.Ranch Perspective:
I don't know what this is all about, it seems that most of the, so called, Main Stream Media is afraid to show people praying or even show a wholesome Family show that depicts them praying and being valid, good Christians on their show...
That is just it, right?? It is there Show!! The Robertson's of Duck Dynasty, close each one of there shows with a prayer, and depending on what the episode is about they might even mention prayer or our Good Lord Jesus Christ in the middle of the show!! This is all great wholesome Television that is missing in today's Programming on all the networks.. now since the Robertson's have graced our Televisions, there have been some shows that have mentioned Jesus and prayer, However it is not the center of the show, and the mentioning of Jesus is mild at best!!
Why I saw Phil Robertson on a video short not to long ago, and he was saying that when their show started, the Producer's for what ever reason would blank out words that they were saying and add a beep tone, making it look as if they were cussing on the show.... Phil Robertson went to the Producers of the show and complained, because they are not a family that uses profound language on their show..
I think that the Success of Duck Dynasty is the fact that they are a Christian Family, who are praying and demonstrating the right way to live!! With Respect for one another, and their ability to ask for forgiveness from God Almighty, Our Savior who died for our sins' so that we can experience Everlasting Life!!
BS.Ranch is in full support of Phil, Sci, Willy, Chas, Jep, and Mrs. Kay...
God Be with them in their Daily Lives, and allow them to minister to those that haven't found their way just yet, and make the minor prayers that they do on their show, be enough to bring people to Worship God!!
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