REPORT: Reid to Schedule Vote on the DREAM Act
Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 4:32 PM EST
Sen. Reid
The Washington Postis reporting that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is ready to schedule a test vote on the DREAM Act even though he's not yet sure if he has enough votes to pass the amnesty legislation.
Once Sen. Reid files a motion for cloture on the DREAM Act, a vote would likely occur after the Senate has met for at least one day.
The DREAM Act would provide an amnesty to an estimated 2.1 million illegal aliens. To qualify for provisional status, individuals must have come to the United States before the age of 16, been in the country for at least the last five years, and hold a high school diploma or GED. To earn citizenship, individuals who qualify for provisional status must attend college or join the military.
Sen. Reid has repeatedly said he would allow the DREAM Act to come to the Senate floor as a stand alone bill after attempts to attach it to the Defense Authorization bill failed to receive enough votes for cloture in September. Sixty votes are required to begin debate on the bill.
There are faxes for you to send to your Three Members of Congress, including customized actions for Senators who have not indicated how they will vote on the bill.
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