BS Ranch Perspective:
The Mere Conclusion that the State of California Should spit into three separate states to come to some conclusion that would or even could end the problems that they are confronting with the whole state situation of becoming bankrupted, The idea that the state should take the California Retirement System's Account and use all that money that is in that retirement account towards the whole state's woes' would be great, but there is one problem that the people that see that account balance and not the people who own it, but that money belongs to the individual depositor's that worked hard to put that cash into that account! Money that was hard to put there.
The Governor of California originally wanted to take that money from that account and just use if to pay for the benefit, of the Accounts. Sure the total balance of that account was a whopping total of just under approximately $4 Billion Dollars which had been made by Employee's of the State of California. Which included the work forces of the following fields within The State of California.
- Pre-School Teachers
- Kindergarten Teachers
- Grade School Teachers
- Junior High School Teachers
- High School Teachers
- California State University Professors
- All (ALL OF) the support Staff, Secretaries, Office worker's, Clerk's and any other full time position from Pre-School on up to State University Employee's Including but not limited to the Librarian's who were bothered many times by many of the students to make this outline.
- Sheriff's Department's (unless the county has a retirement system all their own)
- City Police Department's and all the support units, secretaries, and patrol support units that go with them. Unless the City or County has made previous arrangements to have their own retirement system in place.
- County & City Employee's who maintain the City Streets for your city.
- California Transportation Division, commonly known as CAL-TRANS!
- California Department of Highway Patrol or as they are more commonly known, CHP.
- California Corrections as they are more commonly known as CC. and all the clerical staff that goes with the CHP, CCO, & Cal-Trans. Cal-Trans has a whole bunch of Engineers, to design the roadways, Intersections, and the like there are so many Engineers in the Offices, with so many Retirements, so what I am saying is that these People all paid into their Retirement, and they are entitled to say how their money is spent! If the cash is to be spent on the fixing of the State of California, then it should be just them that has a vote in it and nobody else!!
That is just the way that I feel on this subject, and Arnold may think that he is a republican, but in many ways he is not! In many ways he is a lot like the guys that ran the whole Country of Russia was like, giving to those that wasted the money that they had, by spending it unwisely, and then taking more money from the people, so that they are not to blame for their unwise spending to begin with!!
If Arnold would have gotten his way, and spent the money from the California Retirement Fund, approximately 2/3rds of California would have felt their Retirement pinch smaller, It is my belief that 2/3's of California's Retirement's are all funded through the same one that all the California Employee's Pay into for their retirement!!
When the Employee's of the State won their battle against the Governor, it was a serious win!! A Strong Win!!
BS Ranch
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