Monday, March 30, 2009

OBAMA TO LEAVE PILOTS UNARMED (NEWSMAX.COM) Is this what you want in your safest world, the Pilot Might be your only hope to a safe flight!!


Obama Effort to End Armed Pilots Program Is an Outrage! 

A revelation by the Washington Times that President Barack Obama is trying to quietly end the armed pilot program, making air travel more vulnerable to terrorist attack, should outrage travelers, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said in a statement. 

"The Washington Times nailed it," said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, who proposed arming pilots just hours after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and championed the armed pilot program. "What Obama is doing is risking public safety, as the newspaper put it, 'in the name of an anti-gun ideology'." 

CCRKBA has brought pressure on this issue and the TSA is backing away and making denials about disarming pilots but according to an Airline Pilots Union statement the "Government representatives acknowledged that the program needs additional funding to achieve these goals." 

We Just Do Not Believe Obama or His Administration! 

We respect the airline pilots union who said they "met with TSA executives and were told in no uncertain terms that TSA embraces the FFDO program, that there are no plans to reduce or restrict its growth, and that in fact the agency fully intends to grow and expand the program." 

But Barack Obama has already deliberately and repeatedly lied to America's 90 million gun owners across the country when he insisted that he would not try to take away anyone's firearms and said "I'm not going to take your guns away."… "Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear …I think people can take me at my word." 

Even Eric Holder said Obama "knew he was lying to the nation…" about the ban on semi-automatic firearms Why should we believe that limited funding for the pilots program not already in the budget will be added. 

"I wouldn't take Obama's word if he said it rains a lot in Seattle."
Alan Gottlieb - Chairman CCRKBA 

BS Ranch Perspective: 

The trouble with this is that we have grown to know a security system that has been in place that has proven itself to be Safe in the skies, The Pilots have fought to get this so that if anyone should force that pilots door again, they would have means, to force them to their death before taking the lives of the potentially over 220 People that are on that flight to their death, along with the death that was caused by the Pilot in protection of their Cock Pit. It is terrible to think that the President of the United States is so Anti Gun that he takes the Safety of the American Public, in Jeopardy just because of his prejudice against the Gun! A Tool, that can be used to Thwart any Flight Take Over! Especially when the last line of Defense is that of the Pilot on board of that Airline! 

BS Ranch

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama's "Change" -- and Your Financial Future (By Mike Huckabee)

Obama's "Change" -- and Your Financial Future
Dear Worried American,

As a child of the Great Depression, my mother wasn't able to go to college -- but I swear she was smarter than the educated people who are running the country right now.
And if Mom were alive today, she'd probably give our leaders the same scolding she used to give me: "You have a champagne appetite and a Coca-Cola paycheck."

That was her way of saying that, when you want something you can't afford, you have to work hard and save up for it. But if you try to live beyond your means, you'll end up with nothing but big debts and a bad reputation.

Advice like that used to be common sense, of course. And it still is, among the vast majority of "Main Street" Americans who work hard, pay their mortgages, and rely on themselves -- not government -- to provide for their families and their retirement.
But in what I call the "Wall Street-to-Washington Axis of Power," different rules apply. Your bank is failing because you lent billions to unqualified borrowers? No problem: Here's a multi-billion-dollar bailout to cover your losses -- and to pay yourselves obscene bonuses. Your trillion-dollar budget has no room for a new set of big-government entitlements? No problem: We'll just print a few trillion more dollars -- and worry about inflation later.

That may not be the "change" that many Americans voted for last November -- but it's the change we're all getting. And we're stuck with it for at least a few more years.
In the meantime, however, how can you and I secure our financial futures even as President Obama and Congress are doing so much to drive down our economy?
As a politician and talk-show host, I wouldn't say I'm qualified to answer that for you -- but thankfully, I know someone who is.

His name is Doug Fabian, one of the few investment advisors today who isn't part of the Wall Street/Washington "axis" -- and one of the even fewer who wasn't blindsided by the financial meltdown.

In fact, Doug started warning his subscribers back in early 2006 about the potential likely collapse of the mortgage and housing market -- and steered his readers away from stocks months ahead of the historic market decline last fall.

As a result of advice like that, Investor's Business Daily once proclaimed Doug "one of the best market timers in the business." And the financial-advice industry's "watchdog" newsletter, The Hulbert Financial Digest, rated one of Doug's trading services in the Top 10 for 2008 -- out of 186 financial publications overall.

Now, if you're like me, you probably don't want to spend a lot of time investing -- especially in today's volatile markets. And you certainly don't want to spend a lot of money on investment advice.

Fortunately, Doug Fabian's flagship investment newsletter, Successful Investing, is aimed precisely at people like us.

For 32 years, Successful Investing has helped ordinary investors generate consistent double-digit annual returns -- no matter what the overall markets are doing -- by adhering to a time-tested trend-following strategy that has come to be known as the Fabian Plan.

Better yet, those consistent double-digit profits are the result of one of the easiest, least time-consuming, and most conservative investment approaches you'll ever find.

Let's not kid ourselves: Times are tough in America -- and with Obama and Nancy Pelosi running the show, they're likely to get tougher. But you and I can still prosper -- if we have the tools in place to safely profit even when the market declines. A no-risk subscription to Successful Investing will help you do just that.

Click here to learn more.

Mike Huckabee

P.S. Unlike so many other investment newsletters, Doug Fabian's Successful Investing won't cost you an arm and a leg. Right now, in fact, for a limited time, you can get a full year of Successful Investing for less than your monthly cable bill. Click here to learn more.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Trout Plants for Southern California, During the Week begining on March 16 (Los Angeles Times March 15, 2009)

7:00 AM, March 16, 2009

A fisherman tries his luck along the banks of the Lower Owens River in Lone Pine.

Barring adverse weather, water or road conditions, the following is a list of Southern California waters, listed by county, that will be stocked throughout the week of March 16 with rainbow trout by the Department of Fish and Game:

LOS ANGELES: Alondra Park Lake, Arroyo Seco Creek, Belvedere Lake, Castaic Lake, Cerritos Lake, Downey Lake, Echo Park Lake, El Dorado Park Lake, Hollenbeck Park Lake, Jackson Lake, Kenneth Hahn Lake, La Mirada Lake, Legg Lakes, Lincoln Park Lake and Magic Johnson Lake.

ORANGE: Laguna Lake and Yorba Linda Regional Park Lake.

RIVERSIDE: Evans Lake and Rancho Jurupa Park Pond. 

SAN BERNARDINO: Cucamonga Guasti Park Lake, Prado Pake Lake and Seccombe Park Lake.

SAN DIEGO: Chollas Park Lake, Lindo Lake and Murray Lake.

IMPERIAL: Sunbeam Lake and Weist Lake.

INYO: Owens River (Section 2) and Pleasant Valley Reservoir.

Photo: A fisherman tries his luck along the banks of the Lower Owens River in Lone Pine. Credit: Brian Vander Brug/Los Angeles Times